Ricardo Ferraz
Ricardo Ferraz is a Professor at School of Health of the Polytechnic of Porto (ESS). Ricardo obtained his PhD ins Sustainable Chemistry (2013)) from the NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA). He graduated in Chemistry at the University of Porto in 2002, where he also obtained his M.Sc. in Chemistry, with a Dissertation on "Imidazolidin-4-one Derivatives of Primaquine: Stereochemical Aspects of the Synthesis". Ricardo then pursued his PhD in FCT NOVA, where he worked in the synthesis of Ionic Liquids with biological properties and study their properties in bacteria and cell line. His PhD thesis is entitled "Development of Novel Active Pharmaceutical Ionic Liquids and Salts Based on Antibiotics and Anti-fungal Drugs". Since 2014 he is Researcher at LAQV-REQUIMTE and recently became a Project Leader in "ORCHIDS" (https://www.fc.up.pt/orchids/projlead.html) on the topic "New Therapeutic Approaches Based on Ionic Liquids". ORCHIDS is a research group at the LAQV-REQUIMTE that currently integrates nine researchers holding a PhD degree, eight PhD students, and several MSc and undergraduate students. Ricardo was a PI of a FCT-funded project on drug-derived IL as new multi-target anti-infective agents (PTDC/BTM-SAL/29786/2017), which involves four institutions (REQUIMTE, i3S, IHMT and PPorto). Besides being a PI in this project, Ricardo has been participated in several other projects aiming not only Ionic Liquids with bioactivity (Novel natural and synthetic compounds for treating hormone resistant tumors - NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-024156 and Supervisor of the PhD "SAILing around the most abundant chemical elements in Life - development of bioactive Surface-Active Ionic Liquids by combination of antimalarial drugs with lipids" - Grant SFRH/BD/150649/2020) but also working in bioactivity peptides ("AMAZING - AMAZonian snake toxins: creatING value from bioresources" - CIRCNA/BRB/0281/2019 and "PEPALHEIRA - Whey proteins and derived antimicrobial PEPtide-based active edible coatings for ALHEIRA industry" - PTDC/BAA-AGR/31798/2017 ) and combining peptides with Ionic Liquids (Supervisor of the PhD "PILING - Peptide-based Ionic Liquids towards heaLING of diabetic foot ulcer infections" - Grant PD/BD/135073/2017). Overall: i) authored 25 papers and 4 book chapters; ii) Supervisor of 2 ongoing Phd Students, 10 Master students and several BSc; iii) Participation in Panels or Jury Member (Master and PhD" and Selection Committees for research fellowships, iv) speaker in 14 scientific events, mostly international; v) peer-reviewed for 16 SCI-indexed journals, and vi) (co)guest editor of 1 Special Issues.