Bruna Araújo
Bruna Alexandra Vale Araújo graduated in Biochemistry from the School of Sciences at the University of Minho in July 2017, and she completed a master's degree in Health Sciences at the Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), School of Medicine at the University of Minho, in October 2019. In her master's dissertation, she unveiled a neuroanatomical description and challenged the current knowledge on the structural plasticity of adult hilar cytogenesis. With this work, she received an award for a best poster presentation. During this time, she contributed to four scientific publications. For the following nine months, she worked in a spin-off company at Behavioral and Molecular lab (Bn'ML). She investigates pharmacological strategies for Parkinson's Disease treatment under the supervision of Dr. Fábio Teixeira. In addition, she co-authored a book chapter and a review. Currently, she was accepted in a doctoral programme of Biomedicine, Faculty of Medicine, and she was awarded with a FCT grant to explore the impact of the deletion of hippocampal cytogenesis on a Parkinson's Disease model at Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (i3S).